Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Really Long Meme (Once again, taken because of Ragie)

Yeah... This is the 100 facts meme.

1. I was never into bands until Rea corrupted me into KAT-TUN

2. When my friend asked me about why turtles were so awesome I asked her what she thought of when she heard "Jpop" and she told me soda, so I didn't bother telling her about Kame.

3. None of my RL friends know about my KAT-TUN fangirling

4. None of them know that I like yaoi

5. Only a few realize that I like manga and anime, though it should be more obvious based on my drawing style

6. Ragie is the only forumer a few of my friends know about, but I claimed she was my Australian pen pal when I was freaking out about possibly sending her a virus

7. I still can't decide whether I like Kame or Jin more XD

8. I visualize my JE rankings as the boys climbing a mountain XDD

9. I've never had a crush before

10. The closest feelings to having a crush that I've had are wanting to befriend someone

11. I usually think various guys are cute, but I shake off that delusion within a week usually

12. The only time it took longer than a week was with the cute cello player who sat next to me in orchestra. I still think he's cute, though not JE cute

13. I have a dog

14. I've played a musical instrument of some sort for more than half my life

15. I freak out really easily, though I try not to make it obvious that I'm terrified

16. My favorite Brawl character is Marth

17. I'm fond of knitting

18. The only thing I can knit is a scarf XD

19. I prefer simple gifts to extravagant ones

20. I don't trust my friends much, though I have good reason not to

21. I knew that no one was going to call me to tell me where we were going for ice cream after a school dance (that I hadn't gone to, we were just planning on hanging out afterwards) so I planned on not going

22. If I don't get a call, or call someone on a day when we're supposed to do something together, I'll get paranoid and assume that I got the wrong day/time

23. I feel closer to most of the forumers than many people I know

24. The place where I feel the most comfortable isn't my own home, it's my church

25. When I get angry I've discovered that there are two options for how I'm angry, cold anger, and hot anger (cold anger discovered after reading Ender's Game XD)

26. "Cold" anger is when I get bitchy and don't give a damn about anyone, so I'm quite mean and heartless

27. "Hot" anger is when I get frustrated and usually end up crying so I don't break something or punch someone

28. Usually after I get angry at someone I end up in a state of self-loathing

29. When I'm hating myself I'd really like a hug, but there's no one around to hug me, so I go find my teddy bear and hug it until I stop crying

30. People don't usually see me crying if I'm depressed, just when I'm frustrated

31. I'm a hopeless romantic

32. I've read over a hundred different shoujo series over the past 2 years

33. I don't really open up to people even though I'd like to

34. Not many people know that much about me and have no idea how I spend my time

35. I hate Macs because one killed a research project of mine

36. I procrastinate. A lot.

37. There are very few days that go by with me completing all of my homework at home

38. I do my homework right before class, or during lunch

39. Slacking off is the one thing I'm known for

40. I'm a hypocrite

41. I'm often commented on being cynical, sarcastic, and pessimistic

42. I don't like stupid people

43. I like getting into pointless arguments over stupid things

44. Prince of Tennis is not my favorite manga

45. I can trace all of my friends (including the forumers) back to Ma-kun

46. The first anime I watched was Hajime no Ippo

47. I still haven't finished watching Hajime no Ippo (I'm on episode 23 XD)

48. I saw Hajime no Ippo at Ma-kun's house

49. The first shoujo I watched was Mermaid Melody

50. I haven't finished Mermaid Melody either XD (This one due to lack of subbing)

51. I'm quite fond of polygon romances

52. The thing I dislike about the different romances is that the pairings are easy to predict, so it's not fun anymore

53. I'd like to be a shoujo mangaka

54. However, I think I might study psychology

55. I really do love my big brother, and I used to love copying him

56. It's actually his fault that I got into writing because he started writing his story when I was seven

57. I used to tell him that he would never finish his story

58. I still don't think he'll finish it

59. But now I try to help him write when I can

60. I want him to finish so that he'll take me to Disney World XD

61. However, I think he'd make a better movie, and actually I'd rather see the movie than read the book

62. I've been trying to implant the idea of using Jin in his movie into his brain

63. I'm overweight in my mind

64. I'm planning on exercising this summer

65. My friendships tend not to last

66. I lose contact with people really easily

67. I love fairytales

68. I'm a blue belt in karate

69. I'd like to get black belts in Aikido, Wing Chung, and Kajikembo

70. Turtles were recently named my favorite animal

71. My favorite color is blue

72. My lucky color is green

73. I have Irish blood

74. I was once called a Jell-O fairy because I put Jell-O powder for sand on a math project game board XD

75. I like to play with kids, but I don't like taking care of them

76. My favorite food is curry

77. I'm awkward around people

78. I love all of the home spa things you can read about in books

79. I'm a face person. I predominately look at the face when deciding whether or not someone is cute

80. My dream pet of the moment is a turtle

81. My top five favorite bands of the moment are KAT-TUN, Relient K, Hillsong United, Boys Like Girls and... NEWS? I suppose. XD

82. I have two big brothers

83. I'm easily influenced, unless my mind has already been made up, in which case I'm stubborn as heck

84. I can beat most of my guy friends at arm wrestling

85. I'm pretty sure I have split personalities, or else I'm just weird XD

86. I'm addicted to chocolate

87. I have a myspace, but I don't use it aside from using the blog to list the different mangas I've read

88. If I'm going to meet someone from the forum it's most likely to be Sally, since I might randomly run into her while I'm at Costco or something

89. I'm not photogenic

90. Even though I'm chubby I always pass my PE exams with good marks

91. Most of my favorite JE boys are tied for their places

92. The current standings are 1st: Jin&Kame 3rd: Yamapi&Junno 5th: Ryo&Ueda 7th: Koki 8th: ... I guess Yuto? Maybe Maru

93. The worst Mary Sue I've ever written was for the HP fandom. The fic is still up (for Mary Sue reference), but now there's a warning that there is in fact a Sue

94. Surprisingly enough, I was not flamed for my Sue

95. Kame and Pi were the first JE boys I saw because I was watching Nobuta wo Produce

96. I didn't really get into JE until I saw the Kame and Jin video where they were singing Bonnie Butterfly

97. My favorite female Japanese actress is Horikita Maki

98. Maki-chan is also one of the few people whom I wouldn't mind dating a JE boy (Initially, since if the girl wasn't evil and the boy was happy I'd probably stop minding whomever he was dating. Maki-chan is just special because she's so sweet that she avoids all dislike)

99. If you haven't guessed by my obscure url, Akame is my current OTP because Jin and Kame win at life

100. I just completed the 100 fact meme


Anonymous said...

1. Rain-chan is bad for the brain XD

16. D: What? D: WHAT? DDDDDX

44. That's good XDDD I like the fandom a lot more than the manga itself XD

51. *thumbs up*

100 is pure win xD

rage-chan said...

Your meme flows very smoothly, like all the facts are somehow connected with one another. Mine just...jumps randomly all over the place.


rage-chan said...

By the way, I just noticed the title. -.-'' I love memes. I do a lot of them. Vio does a lot of them too. *shot*

Rea-chan said...

XDD I resent that, Casie.

I feel so proud to see all the JE up there. XD And...

._. Shoot me. Who's Ma-kun?

XD 100 made me smile. XDDD

Vio-chan said...

I took the meme 'cause of rage-chan too! =))

And I have to agree completely with 22. Once I'm walking to the appointed place, I'd be freaked in case there would be no one there. And usually there -is- no one there, coz my friends are late. And I'd fret in case I got the date wrong until someone shows up.

And there is a thin line between frustration and depression. Both can easily lead to either.
Plus, who doesn't do homework right before class? Except me, I do my homework DURING class. When I'm supposed to be listening to the lesson.