Sunday, June 15, 2008

Yes, This is a Complete Rip-off of Rea's Post XP

The title says it all. I read Rea's post, took the quizzes and now I am posting the results.

Your IQ Is 125

Your Logical Intelligence is Genius

Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional

Your General Knowledge is Above Average

A Quick and Dirty IQ Test

And for the JE boy one:

I got Kame on my first try:

On my rigged round so that all questions that I would be forced to answer in a certain direction were nullified I got: Well, after I rigged it so that the drama and song questions (that by default had previously gone to Kame) I couldn't get a straight answer exactly, as the result had a tendency to shift based on the guy's charming point and my favorite color. XP I'll give it to Junno and Jin anyway for coming up the most often. And doesn't Junno look adorable with the puppy in the results page?

1 comment:

rage-chan said...

I shall take the quiz...soon...*shot*