Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to everyone out in the U.S, Canada and everywhere else that cyberspace reaches! XD My dad wasn't even home to celebrate it. He's a few states away visiting his mom... on Father's Day. XD

I got to try one of the cupcakes I made yesterday~ They were yummy~ I'm glad I didn't manage to ruin cake mix, sugar, and butter. XD

I also went to the library to return Flipped, but I ended up leaving with The Fairy's Mistake, Tactics v.1, and Shadow of the Giant. XD I'm already done with The Fairy's Mistake since it's really short and easy. It was okay-ish. I like fairy tales. I think I'll read Tactics next. It's shorter than Shadow of the Giant and Awin said it's good. XP I was depressed when I couldn't find it on onemanga, but luckily the library had a volume and it happened to be number 1~ Shadow of the Giant should be good too. It's an Orson Scott Card book and I love his work. I still can't find Speaker for the Dead though...

Yeah... Just another random post since I just post randomly as I think of things. XD

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