Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Ranking Thing

Yeah. Just posting because I haven't in awhile and this gives me a good excuse.

I did the Ranking thing for the KAT-TUN boys and the rankings weren't surprising at all. They matched what I knew perfectly... though I suppose that would be true since KAT-TUN doesn't have that many boys (unlike PoT) and I am ranking them... XD

The only pain was that I had to switch computers since my laptop doesn't show Japanese. XP But I got to learn a bit more of the KAT-TUN kanji, so that's good. I only knew how Jin and Kame's went before. XD I'm such a bad KAT-TUN fangirl, but I'm a semi-decent Akame fangirl.

So the unsurprising rankings ARE: XD Exactly the same as my 100 facts meme. But I'll list them again for your benefit

1: Kamenashi Kazuya & Akanishi Jin
3: Taguchi Junnosuke
4: Ueda Tatsuya
5: Tanaka Koki
6: Nakamaru Yuuichi

On a random note: -A lovely vid for fangirls and general pretty boy lovers alike. Though I don't recommend watching it with family in the room XD

On an even more random note: Don't expect any more posts from me for a week or so. I'm going camping. =D

... I went swimming today... And I made cookies... That is all. XD


rage-chan said...

Have fun going camping, Slacky luff!

sddfhjkopwrdjknxciodjfoj said...

Camping? Awesome!