Saturday, July 19, 2008

Warning of Swearing

Yeah, the title is just letting you know I'll be swearing a lot in this post. Originally I had planned on blogging about camp (since I still haven't done so) or going to my friend's house for a sleepover yesterday, but now I'm pissed off, so I'll be ranting instead.

I think that I have anger management issues. Something is probably wrong if I have the urge to scream at my mother and call her a crazy assed bitch. But she the most irritating person I have ever met on the planet. I swear that when I go off to college that I'm never coming home for a visit.

I was in a lovely mood this afternoon too. I went watersliding with my friend yesterday, and mini golfing, and we baked cookies, and we watched a movie. And when I came home, Kyo-tan was back from camp. But then my mom yelled at me to come downstairs.

She started yelling at me because apparently there was chocolate on the dishwasher that was on there for some reason that had to be my fault. Even though I don't go near the dishwasher when I bake, nor have I made anything with chocolate in it for ages. Not to mention that I always clean up something that I spill so that I don't get yelled at. But she persisted on blaming it on me. There's no way that she could have done it. Especially not since she's been on a baking spree recently and all. No. It's my fault. Automatically it's my fault, so I have to clean it up.

I honestly wouldn't have minded cleaning it up anyway if she hadn't blamed it on me. I might have complained a bit and tried to put it off for awhile, but I'd do it eventually without much hassle. BUT SHE JUST KEPT PERSISTING! What. The. FUCK! If she had just dropped it, I would have been fine, but no, the sorry excuse for a mother doesn't feel like SHUTTING THE FUCK UP!

Now, when I get pissed at my mom I usually end up tearing up. My mom says that I become weepy so that I get my way. Fuck that. It's not my style. I'm tearing with the effort it take to not punch her in the face. I really, really wanted to. Really badly. But then things would just get crappier, so I settled for beating the crap out of our punching bag. But seriously the shit that comes out of her mouth. Damn. It's a wonder that I still don't swear aloud and haven't punched her yet. I'm still pissed at her. Bitch.


rage-chan said...

If you click the label rants on my blog it would've shown you angry, swearing-posts of my sister or my mum. -.-'' (Somehow it's just that much easier to say swear words at parents/annoying siblings. XD)

Seriously, sometimes they just look to blame everything on their kids. Dude. That's not cool.


Anyway, ranting is good for you. I find that I feel better afterwards. ^_^ Cheer up, Slacky! You're the forum's spastic girl as well! *huggles*

Hope you feel better soon!

sddfhjkopwrdjknxciodjfoj said...

That's mean, blaming those stuff on you and all.

I hope you'll feel better soon.