Sunday, July 20, 2008

More Ranting

Same thing as the last post pretty much, only with more emo!Slacky.

So today Mom the crazy one decides to yell at me for forgetting to take down a shirt (that I had set aside) for laundry. Now usually she doesn't even care if I forget taking down laundry of any sort, and I only forgot this one shirt because I had set it aside so that I could mend it since I noticed there was a tear. I would have sewn it a few days ago, but I wasn't home to do so. But since forgetting a shirt is so evil, so Mom goes on a tirade. And once she was done with me she started yelling at my brother for failing when it comes to fixing buttons.

I didn't feel like blowing up today so I just spoke calmly and quietly, but she's just so irritating. She shouldn't speak like she actually knows me. She doesn't know because she hasn't asked. And quite frankly, even if she did ask, I don't think I'd be willing to tell her anymore. She says that in the end my actions will make me sorry, only in the very end, they won't. She can take away my computer now, but is that really smart to do to a girl that never forgets and rarely forgives? Fast forward time forty years to when she's all alone in the nursing home since her children all detest being in her presence so they haven't visited, that is if they bother taking care of her by putting her in a home at all. We could just ignore their existence and let them be alone forever.

She just kept pushing and said I have an attitude where I think I can do everything. What. The. Fuck. It shows how little shit she knows about me. I have issues with that sort of thing. Shit, I don't think I can do everything. I think I can't do anything. I actually consider myself to be a rather useless waste of oxygen and other resources. I am, quite simply, worthless. But of course she doesn't know this. She doesn't know anything when it comes to me. Hell, almost no one does. Nobody even knows what I do all day on the computer. They just assume I watch anime all day. Who the hell can actually do that? I spend my time talking to the forumers and watching anime, reading manga, watching dramas, writing, reading fanfics and so on and so forth.

All I can say is, four years seems like too long before I can leave and never come back. Aw shit. I'm feeling emo now. *goes to look for 1LT*

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